

now i'm looking at all these cards in my hand. itz interesting to say the least. how we're all dealt a lot, but it all playz out differently. i guess it dependz on the lot you're given and the person you are. not to say that mine is less or more than yourz. honestly i feel we have the same amount cardz that is. as for what it is that we have, some may have similiar cardz but no one's is the same. as i look over mine i have mixed feelingz but then i look at you and how you look at your hand. i won't say that your pessimistic about it but it is obvious that you're not happy. you never did have a very good poker face but i can't handle this. i'm not you so i could never say that i completely understand or know what you were dealt. this i know though what we have is what we're stuck with. i see you plead for a redeal a chance to draw another card. you don't pay attention to the game sometimez and i swear i've wondered if you were just going to quit at other momentz. it's a bad decision though to give up. this isn't an easy game to win but how can you win if you let yourself lose? it died because you refused to fight. i'm not saying the throwing your cards in is the way to go but if you have nothing worth fighting for what is the fight for? so many people miss this and so they throw their cards in. you though are different. all you see is the red cardz that just turn on you. if there were some way to show you i would. granted the cardz you've had were tough to play but they affect more than only you. i caught just a glimpse of what you had and it threw my entire hand off. it has shifted everything about it how i want to play it and what is worth it. i know i'm not the only person either. your hand has such possibility and you just don't see it. maybe i was wrong i guess i taught you how to bluff a little too well
Cheer up boys (your makeup is running)

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