
Forgotten Responsibilities

ok, so any of you that even read this half the time prolly already know
i have a tendency to rant
a lot
itz not my fault
i jus have a lot on my mind, and need a way to vent/get it all out
this time though
itz a lot bigger than jus me
itz something that has irked me forever
and recent events jus make me that much more pissed off about it

To ninety percent of the male population out there
like seriously, grow some ballz and get back to being the man your supposed to be. a good bit of people, particularly females and those of the feminist mindset, would argue with me on this, but it is a guyz natural responsibility to take care of and protect femalez.
call me old-fashioned, sexist, i don't care. itz my opinion, and itz the right one.
why do you think it is that guyz are naturally bigger and stronger than femalez? if it were supposed to be that femalez are to be completely independent and take care of themselves, they'd be built like we are
now guyz, i'm havin some issues with you. i mean, sure i'm in the same subspecies, but i honestly cannot comprehend some of the shit you do
like, i can understand pickin on girlz a lil, and teasin. jus messin around stuff like that
but putting girlz down, constantly? no that does not fly
imagine how you would feel if you spent your whole life dealing with people saying shit about you and talking down to you all the time like you do
trust me, it sucks. i might not have boobz and be a female, but i get that shit enough from my family and people at school to have a good idea of what would be like
and another thing
if i ever see a guy hit, smack, or push a girl down and she hasn't mortally wounded him
that fucker better start running, cuz i'm gonna be in one hell of a rage
why? why do guyz feel they need to do this, or that itz right in any type of way?
fuck guyz
your all a bunch of dumbasses
in the mean time
until the rest of the world catches up with me
i'm gonna be a true gentleman


Here It Comes Again

Ok, so maybe something is wrong with me
But I'm bored. And I'm not talking about jus this moment in particular
I'm bored with life. Itz so.....
Lame. Like honestly, i don't think most people know how to reach their full potential or jus live the life made out for them

Itz to the point that i only feel right when i when certain people
Or doing certain thingz

I feel itz long past the point that i can come to termz with the way thingz are
I can't stand that

Itz time for a change
And they say that change startz in yourself

Which that meanz
Let the fun begin
Don't be surprised if i blow some mindz
Or leave a trail of chaos in my wake


The Game is over. Goodbye

This is it, I'm breaking down. I have to get this out before i lose it all......

So this is long overdue, but better late than never
Thank you
You've done more than anyone could ask or expect, and i prolly don't show my appreciation as much as i should. You've gone through so much, and the fact you've stayed steady is amazing
But one thing....
Fuck your religion
To hell with your beliefz
I really don't care what you choose to follow or submit yourself to, but quit forcing it on me
I'm tired of it
Let me be me

Ok, go to hell. You've done nothing but fuck my life up, and I'm tired of it. For a good portion of my life, i never saw you. You weren't around
But now, you see me and do nothing but bitch me out all the time
I used to try and do stuff for you. All i ever wanted to hear is that you were proud of me. Fuck that, I don't care anymore. Jus get out of my life
And know, if you ever touch me
You will regret it

Derian and Amanda
I'm sorry
I've put the two of you through hell, and i really have no reason to. Still, at this point, I'm not used to being an older brother. And you can prolly tell, i'm not a very good one at that. Maybe i can change before itz too late, but i know i can't change the past
Jus take this from me-don't let anyone control you or push you around
Kick their ass if they try

Dude, your fucking amazing. Your a great friend, better than anyone could ask for. You've done way too much for me, and i appreciate it. One day, I will find a way to pay you back for everything.
Do me one favor-grow some ballz. I hate to say it man, but you let people walk all over you. You got to change that. especially with Kaeli. If you want the relationship to work, last, and flourish, your gonna have to stand up for yourself. Quit making it seem like everything is your fault, cuz itz not

Thank you
But on the flipside of that
I'm sorry
You've been a great friend. We've had tonz of laughz, good timez, and you've helped me through so much shit. For that, your awesome
I jus wanna apologize for being such a shitty friend to you. I've put you through a lot, not too mention jus been a regular ass
So yeah, i thought i should tell you that

Wow, here goes naught
This might take a bit
Your amazing
Handz down
I don't think you realize quite how much so, cuz your so hard on yourself. But you are a wonderful friend, have the best advice, extremely tenacious, you know what you believe in and don't back down
It all addz up to make one hell of a person
You jus need to stay strong and not give up. Thingz may be tough, and you may feel like everything is crashing in around you
But i'll be the first to say-shining through the hard timez it what makes us better, and being able to succeed in the toughest spots is what separates the failures in life, from the best
And you are mos def among the elite

You already have what i said

please, jus file this one under my suicide letterz


Here goes naught....

ok, so at this point
this one is for the sole purpose of clearing my head

i'm not sure if anything overtly amazing/newsworthy has happened since last time, but i know i seriously need to jus dump everything out

first off, i think i had one of the most badass dreamz the other night. it was kool for the fact that everything was legos. like, you know the lego blockz that you build stuff with growing up. yeah, everything in my dream was lego. the people, carz, buildingz it was pretty sweet action awesome (yeah, i said it. what of it?)
it was funny/sadistic/weird, cuz the way you would die in the dream is if you fell apart or your head came off. talk about unrealistic
then, it got even greater. who better to show up in such a fucked up alternate reality than marilyn manson himself
hellz yes
now you wanna talk about a badass looking lego, he was it

oh, and i jus remembered. apparently, i and my muses have been labeled anarchial/dirty/foul/generally a parasite to society
what, the fuck
i mean, trying to share my creativity with some of my friends, i posted my link on myspace
and how did the bastards respond?
they blocked it, comparing me to some fucking head lice that had to be stopped and taken care off
yeah, so much for that how freedom of speech bullshit
fuck you myspace
i never liked you that much anywayz

and who givez a flying fuck if i am anarchist anywayz?

friendz are great
like, my phone got cut off cuz of an idiot that i don't feel like discussing
but yeah, in their attemptz to contact me
they thought i had ended up in jail
how hilarious is that
my friendz figure if they can't get in touch with me
that i must be sitting in a jail cell somewhere
for some stupid shit i did
i love it

my reputation precedez me

love me, hate me, either way your talkin bout me



I'm twisting
I'm falling
Damn look at this
How itz appalling
The way we believe
All of their liez
Without once
Checking with our
Own eyez
We ask for the truth
Though we don't want it
So we do nothing
But settle for all this fake shit
I'm fed up
With the way itz been
Never asking questionz
Of the demandz from him
No more
Will I jus stand back
Cuz this time
I'm going on the attack
You say we're civilized
Yet we call for blood
Don't give me that bullshit
About itz for the greater good
gimme a day or two
and i will finish this


bum de bum de bop

letz all do the bunny hop
so yeah. this is one of those random few timez that i really have nothin on my mind
like, nothin
weird, i know. i mean, sure i'm thinking tonz, like alwayz but therez not anything that i feel is pressing or urgent for me to get out
itz kinda kool
i've noticed, doing this helpz me a lot
i've forever had issuez with being able to express myself adequately
and it usually endz in me and other people gettting really frustrated and problemz not getting fixed. but doing this helpz to clear up my mind and loosen up
being able to jus pour it all out on here, and not have to keep it inside is a great relief


My life, my past time, my tears

Ok, so anyone that knowz me knowz that sportz is my life. I'm an extremely active person, and itz one of the best outletz for me
baseball has forever been my favorite
but lately, i've been depressed with the condition of the sport. baseball is losing fanz, and the fanz trust, at an alarming rate
thingz are looking grim, and all the media coverage doesn't help
sure, more than a good bit of playerz in the last ten yearz have used some time of performance enhancer to cheat
we know that
and frankly, we're tired of hearing about it. all they're doing now is dragging it out
itz hurting baseball's image, and i'm ready for it to change
what they need to do is drop it
quit talking about it so much
sure, you can enforce the rulez. hell, make them stricter than ever i say, that way no one else does it
jus stop making such a big deal about it
letz get back to when baseball was america's pasttime. now i hear people say that football is becoming that
don't get me wrong, i love football
but i balk at the thought of it being called our pasttime



so let me tell you a story

growing up, in school i was quite the cut-up. still am, but that besides the point. anywayz, there was this one kid in nearly all of my classes. he was pretty much your typical bookworm-nearly alwayz had his nose in a book, wore glasses, not popular in the least, extremely shy around females, the difference being he was bigger than most everybody else. not fat, jus bigger built.
well, as kidz are, he got picked on some, not a lot, jus every so often. every once in a while, i would join in, but not much. i would talk to him sometimes, either about the book he was reading or because he was one of the few that understood most everything i did.
now, i knew this guy all of elementary school. one year, i wanna say fifth grade, i was having a bunch of people spend the night at my house for my birthday. i invited him not because we were really close friends, but because i knew him and i also knew he didn't hang out with many people from school. it went about as any sleepover with a bunch of guyz would, a lot of joking and messing around all night. we messed with him some, but for the most part jus had a good time
well, at the end of sixth grade. it was the last day of school, and we were having our lil party. a couple of people had noticed he wasn't there, but didn't think much of it. near the middle of the day, a lady came in the room and talked to the teacher. to my surprise, she then walked over to me.
she told me "sorry he couldn't make it today, but he wanted to make sure you got this." and handed me a stuffed m&m. there was an envelope with it
inside was a card. the front said thank you
in it, was a little note. it read, "Thank you jesse for being my friend. All these years here, your the only friend i ever had. I was so excited when you invited me to your house. I thought i would let you know i was moving. Again, thank you."

to this day, i nearly cry everytime i think about that. i wasn't his friend. i barely talked to him. i didn't deserve for him to think that, because i picked on him along with everybody else. the only difference is that i did talk to him sometimes

you never know what the slightest thing you do might do to someone else. you might not even realize the impact you have on them

christian burkhalter, if you happen to be reading this, by some wonderful stroke of luck i just want to say i'm sorry for not being a better friend