this taste i cant shake it from my mouth. itz the combination of the fruity sweetness of articial flavoring added the bitter aftertaste of unnatural ingredientz and the rancid filth of addiction. do i have an addiction yes i do. i have more than one honestly but they range in severity. i do not give a fuck what you are giving up an addiction is a bitch no matter what the hell it is. especially if it is any type of substance or chemical natural or otherwise. you put yourself through the withdrawalz and you will hate yourself for giving in to an addiction in the first place. but that is only if you beat it. otherwise you will regard yourself a stupid idiot for trying to overcome an addiction like that when you yourself have grown soft in the uneeded necessitiez of the modern world. sadly though there are more addictionz out there than most people would like to acknowledge or even attempt to fathom. but just for a brief moment imagine think of every single thing you do. normal everyday activitiez. thingz that become almost pure muscle memory because it no longer requirez any thought just the movement. now picture just the simplest little thing you do and you having to do that to maintain a semblance of the sanity you have left. thus beginz your addiction. or for the sake of a real argument you have your daily routine be it your morning or night routine. am i correct? most people do. if you develop into being one of the people where if the slightest thing changez with your routine and your day is ruined you are an addict. you have become addicted to living a certain way and you don't like it any other way. you feel like the perfect little world the greatest schedule you have created for yourself is crumbling down as soon as the smallest part goes awry.
in all i will say there is a reason that we have become so obessessed over the most ridiculous thingz addicted to thingz that should have no sway in our livez. it is harsh but it is the truth-our livez have become that pathetic and uncharacteristic that we feel we need something to fill the void. and by attempting to fill that void we realize that the meager passes we make will not cut it so we obessess. we try and force it to occupy the emptiness inside of us while all it does it make us all that more aware of the hole.
My Poor Brain
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