
Forgotten Responsibilities

ok, so any of you that even read this half the time prolly already know
i have a tendency to rant
a lot
itz not my fault
i jus have a lot on my mind, and need a way to vent/get it all out
this time though
itz a lot bigger than jus me
itz something that has irked me forever
and recent events jus make me that much more pissed off about it

To ninety percent of the male population out there
like seriously, grow some ballz and get back to being the man your supposed to be. a good bit of people, particularly females and those of the feminist mindset, would argue with me on this, but it is a guyz natural responsibility to take care of and protect femalez.
call me old-fashioned, sexist, i don't care. itz my opinion, and itz the right one.
why do you think it is that guyz are naturally bigger and stronger than femalez? if it were supposed to be that femalez are to be completely independent and take care of themselves, they'd be built like we are
now guyz, i'm havin some issues with you. i mean, sure i'm in the same subspecies, but i honestly cannot comprehend some of the shit you do
like, i can understand pickin on girlz a lil, and teasin. jus messin around stuff like that
but putting girlz down, constantly? no that does not fly
imagine how you would feel if you spent your whole life dealing with people saying shit about you and talking down to you all the time like you do
trust me, it sucks. i might not have boobz and be a female, but i get that shit enough from my family and people at school to have a good idea of what would be like
and another thing
if i ever see a guy hit, smack, or push a girl down and she hasn't mortally wounded him
that fucker better start running, cuz i'm gonna be in one hell of a rage
why? why do guyz feel they need to do this, or that itz right in any type of way?
fuck guyz
your all a bunch of dumbasses
in the mean time
until the rest of the world catches up with me
i'm gonna be a true gentleman

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