
this was a text message......

No problem meredith
You know i'm alwayz here and that i love you
itz somethin you have to do a lil bit at a time
go slow if you have to, don't rush it
even if i could change it, i would have waited to do nething with taylor
thatz what love and caring is
thatz why i won't let you do nething with kris that you shouldn't
not too soon
i love you too much
and i love taylor too much to be that selfish

damn........why can't i explain/communicate like that to taylor?
be so eloquent?


The pain.....

is what makez me stronger
but sometimez
it seemz like itz jus too much
jus for a lil while
i wish it would go away
if only for a moment


Haha wow

so itz been a couple weekz since i've done this

and i'm mos def overdue

cuz so much shit has happened lately

itz pretty ridiculous

i don't even know where to start

hmmm, letz see
i know you people are gonna say
dude that was so two weekz ago
but i'm still pretty stoked over the snow. i mean, it had been four yearz since i've seen snow
it was so amazing
and i spent the day with the love of my life

speaking of which
thingz are pretty interesting with me and her right now
simply put
thingz got really bad
extremely quick
and it lookz like itz gonna be a
time before thingz get back to normal

i miss her so much

and fuck the copz
i'm sorry if you are one
or know one
and are offended
but i'm fucking sick of you bitchez. all the fucking time i have issuez with them
and itz really gettin on my last nerve

so leave me the fuck alone

moving on
i am once again having to make a major decision
and it could be a very monumental one
so please
if you have any advice
or wanna say anything
please let me know

i'll end it here for now
till next time my peoplez

will you swear on your life
that no one will cry
at my funeral